Locale & Language Suggestions Or Feedback

Dear users,

First: Install our app Locale & Language first

Thank you for using our application.
If Locale & Language don’t work on your phone, Please read this Complete Tutorial: http://blog.whenair.com/?p=15
If you still in trouble, please contact us.

Do you have some Suggestions or Feedback when using Locale & Language.
Please leave us a comment, we will try our best to improve this app.
Or send us a email. [email protected]

Best regards!


397 responses on “Locale & Language Suggestions Or Feedback

  1. www

    adb shell pm grant set.lang.pro android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

    1. No puedo poner el idioma de espanol porque no lo tengo

  2. gagan

    it shows successful but cant change to.language

  3. Diosdado Mibuy Nguema

    Lo necesito para cambiar el idioma del móvil

    1. Diosdado Mibuy Nguema

      25 de Diciembre de 2003

  4. Diosdado Mibuy Nguema

    Y mantener controlado mi dispositivo

    1. luis

      lo qiuero para cambiar el idioma del telefono

  5. ahmad yusuf


  6. Mitra

    It is very good

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