Language Settings – Complete tutorial to change locale language on Android

First: Install our app Language Settings first from Google Play

If it can’t change language directly , read the following tutorial:

After android 4.2, only system app can get CHANGE_CONFIGURATION permission. (Changed by Google).

This app need this permission to change language.

Use ADB command to Grant Permission Through Computer

  • Use Automatic to Grant Permission Tools:(Through Windows Only)


  • Or Manual to Grant Permission by Input ADB Command: (Windows or Mac)
 Any Question commit to this post or email to [email protected]

164 responses on “Language Settings – Complete tutorial to change locale language on Android

  1. please help me for language Persia (iran). tanx

  2. Behruzbek

    Qanaqa qilip yuklashni bilmayabman

  3. afarina


    1. NOR BEGUM

      Saya nak tukar bahasa Malaysia

  4. Venassio

    Je veux contrôle mon menu pour cela il faut que je mettrise la langue de mon téléphone

  5. Je veux contrôler mon téléphone mais je ne mettrise pas la britannique

  6. sya ingin bahasa indonesia

    1. saya ingin ganti bahasa indonisia

  7. junou joseph

    Jolie j’aime

  8. Vxf j’aime beaucoup

  9. Wan sartika

    Pliss aku mau tukar bahasa Indonesia

    1. saya ingin ganti bahasa indonisia

  10. Charra


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