Manual Input ADB Command to make Language Settings Work on Android 4.2+ No ROOTed Devices

First: Install our app Language Settings from Google Play first

What you need

  • Computer
  • Usb cable
  • Connect your device to the computer

Step 1. Enabling ADB Debugging (Must do)

Tutorial – (Open Developer Options and open USB debugging on Android 4.2+)


Step 2. Dwonload ADB Tools:

Download the ADB Tools and Extract it.(After extracted you will find folder adb-tools)
Open a command line(Linux or Mac called Terminals, Windows called “cmd.exe”

Use command cd into “adb-tools” folder downloaded above.(command like below, replace YouPath to your file path)

cd /YouPath/adb-tools


Step 3. Grant Permission

Grant Permission
  • Input the Command Below and press “Enter” key:
adb shell pm grant com.vlang.vset android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION


If you get “error: no devices found“, that is mean you phone has not open the ADB debugging, Please Read Step 1 or Read Tutorial – Open Developer Options and open USB debugging on Android 4.2+

 At last

You can click list item of Language app to change language .

11 responses on “Manual Input ADB Command to make Language Settings Work on Android 4.2+ No ROOTed Devices

  1. fabio

    Portugues br

  2. adb shell pm grant com.vlang.vset android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION

  3. Je voudrais avoir la langue française dans le prog de mon téléphone afin de bien travailler avec car je ne maîtrise pas la langue française

  4. herman


  5. Bagai mana cara seting bahasa indonesia

  6. Bagai mana cara untuk seting bahasa menjadi bahasa Indonesia

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